Insistence On Being the Final Authority on Everything According to the Watchtower society, Jesus returned invisibly in heaven in 1914 and at that time was given all authority on earth and in heaven. (Matt. 28:18) Shortly thereafter in the year 1919 he made an inspection of all Christians and was pleased with a small group […]
Category: The Faithful and Discreet Slave
Distrust of Material Not Provided by the Organization The Watchtower society often admonishes its members to encourage persons they meet in their witnessing work that belong to another religion to compare what their church teaches to what the Bible says. They even offer specific literature to help guide them in the process and help them […]
Multiplying Laws and Organizing Them into Books. In the previous article it was shown that the Watchtower society gave five examples that they claim demonstrate that the Catholic Church follows in the pattern of first century Christians that advocated an extremely authoritarian approach to worship. Thus by implication witnesses are given the impression that the […]
For through law I died toward law, so that I might become alive toward God. (Galatians 2:19) What did the apostle Paul mean when he said he had died toward law? Paul preached to the Galatians on his first missionary tour (Acts 13:14-14:23) Shortly after he left, a group of Jewish Christians arrived insisting that […]
Is the Watchtower society a false prophet? In the previous article we noted the statement made in The Watchtower February 2017 study edition on page 26 paragraph 12: “The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction.” However, a careful review of the organization’s history […]
There was an attempt at forming a governing body in the first century. Rabble rousing Jews that frequently left Jerusalem, visiting other congregations as if they were envoys of the apostles, tried to impose themselves and their consciences on others. It was because of them that the issue of circumcision of the Gentiles arose. […]
In a previous post we have seen that, despite evidence to the contrary, the Watchtower society has arbitrarily decided that Nebuchadnezzar’s tree dream in Daniel chapter 4 must have an antitypical future fulfillment beyond Nebuchadnezzar. This article will show that this is not the only time they chose to go against this rule. It also […]
The Watchtower society has admitted that the faithful and discreet slave or governing body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction. (The Watchtower February 2017 study edition pg 26 par 12 “Who Is Leading God’s People Today?”) This is not just a recent admission but it […]
Peter Gregerson, a witness for almost 50 years reveals the one pivotal question, the examination of which, resulted in his leaving the organization.
“I always look forward to reading the feature “From Our Readers.” I’m just amazed at the tactfulness you show in your responses. If there is a misprint or error, you humbly admit it. Yet, no matter how upset a reader may become, you never back down from the truth of God’s Word. And you even […]