Some 30 cases involving Jehovah’s Witnesses came before the U.S. Supreme Court in the five-year period between 1938 and 1943. The decisions of which have greatly led to the protection of religious freedom. However, what happens when a member decides they want to leave the religion? Is their freedom to do so respected? This video […]
Tag: Religion
Jehovah’s Witnesses like to say that they are in the truth. They even greet each other with expressions such as when did you come into the truth? Or, how long have you been in the truth? Actually, these expressions only replace the word organization with the word truth. But since the teachings of the organization […]
The Watchtower organization as well as other high control religious groups teach that in order to gain God’s approval it is not enough to be sincere. A person’s beliefs must be in harmony with truth. This conveniently places them in the position of being able to offer their unique interpretation of scripture as truth, thus […]
Who Are the True Worshipers? Part 1
Many religions and cults teach that, in order to worship God acceptably, it is absolutely necessary to be in the right religion that teaches only correct doctrine. But who is it that determines if a doctrine is correct? Many religions claim that what they teach conforms to the Bible. Oftentimes while at the same time […]
In his great commission, Jesus sent his disciples out to make more disciples. By this means his kingdom would grow as people of the non-Christian world became Christian. Nowhere did he state that any of them should separate themselves out of the body into some purer form of Christianity and collect the wheat together by […]

I used to think that Narcissism was excessive self-love until I read an analysis of the story by Chuck DeGroat in his book: “When Narcissism Comes to Church” The story goes like this: Young, handsome Narcissus ran free, hunting in the forest, loved and desired by young women. But he would let no one touch […]

The Sunday morning session of the 2021 “Powerful By Faith” Regional Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses contains a symposium entitled: “Imitate Women of Strong Faith”. The sixth talk in the series by governing body helper Leonard Myers (The Phoenician Woman) contained a video discouraging witnesses from exercising critical thinking by presenting a scene of a newly […]

It is widely taught that man is comprised of a material body and an immaterial soul. At death it is believed that the immaterial soul survives the death of the body and goes on to experience conscious existence either in heaven with God or experiences conscious torment in hellfire. Does the Bible teach this concept? […]