The Faithful and Discreet Slave Videos

An Apology?

The governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses tries to give the impression that they humbly apologize for errors in their biblical understanding. But at the most recent annual meeting in October 2023, governing body member Jeffrey Winder explained that new light comes to them from God. Hence, there is no need for an apology when they previously required their members to accept direction that turned out to be false. This puts the blame on God for all those that may have suffered from following such direction.

They don’t come right out and blame God. They admit that they are imperfect and misunderstand God’s guidance. This all sounds good. But they never address the fact that they have many times spoken presumptuously when God did not tell them to speak. For that they should apologize. (Deuteronomy 18:20)

2 replies on “An Apology?”

Hi iam an ex jw I have sent this video about the Apology to a Brother and he says its Fake. My question to you is where would I find this video on

Regards Lee

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