Both the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (the Mormons) and Jehovah’s Witnesses claim to be restored church of Jesus Christ, the only true Christian religion on Earth today. To support their exclusive claims they both appeal to the words of the apostle Peter in John 6:68 in response to a teaching of […]
Category: Organized Religion
ByAaron Katersky February 21, 2023, 1:20 PM Mormon Church to pay $5 million to settle accusations of covering up portfolio The church and its investment company, Ensign Peak Advisers, will share the cost of the settlement. The Mormon Church agreed Tuesday to pay $5 million to settle charges involving disclosure failures and misstated regulatory filings. […]

The preview to study article number 42 entitled “Hold Fast to the Truth With Strong Conviction” in the October 2021 issue of the Watchtower states: In this article, we will look at the pattern of true worship set by Jesus and examine how his early disciples followed it. We will also provide evidence that Jehovah’s […]
by Mark Barnard I was ordained as a minister by a lesser known Christian denomination. Because it is not well known, people occasionally mistook it for a cult! At those uncomfortable moments, I assured them that it is more than 100 years old, founded on a vision for missions and anchored on the authority of God’s […]
What is a Cult?

The following is a review of an article printed in the February 1994 issue of The Watchtower. Exactly one year earlier, the news reported on the tragedy in Waco Texas that left 86 dead at the end of a standoff between law enforcement and the religious movement founded by David Koresh called the Branch Dividians. […]

The Watchtower society has admitted that the faithful and discreet slave or governing body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction. (The Watchtower February 2017 study edition pg 26 par 12 “Who Is Leading God’s People Today?”) This is not just a recent admission but it […]

Peter Gregerson, a witness for almost 50 years reveals the one pivotal question, the examination of which, resulted in his leaving the organization.

In an effort to reach out to inactive ones and encourage them to return to the organization, the Watchtower society has produced a brochure entitled: “Return to Jehovah”. In the introduction it says: “Dear fellow believer:… As you know, the Bible is largely a book about people. Many were faithful men and women who faced […]

Can you detect them? How can you avoid becoming their prey? Deception caused Eve to become prey to the great Devourer, Satan the Devil. Thereafter her husband and children fell into the clutches of a wolfish god who has robbed them of everything in life that is worthwhile—fear of God, self-respect, genuine love for neighbor […]

Don Quixote is a well-known fictional character created by 16th-century Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes in his classic novel by that name. In that novel, Don Quixote fills his mind with legends and fables about brave knights in glittering armor coming to the rescue of damsels in distress. Soon he begins to believe that he […]