Examining Doctrines Shunning

How Should a Disfellowshipped Person Be Treated? Part 1

A Difference Between Marking and Disfellowshipping? The scripture most often referred to as support for disfellowshipping is 1 Corinthians 5:9-13. However, the Watchtower society views the situation in Corinth as being much worse than what needed to be dealt with in Thessalonica, a situation which called for a lesser form of discipline they call marking. […]

Examining Doctrines Shunning

Can I Just Leave? Part 2

In the previous post I ended with the question: Can a person leave the religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses, choosing to worship God willingly, from the heart apart from the organization and not face repercussions? Let’s analyze the rest of his testimony and see if Geoffrey Jackson can answer that for us: The following exchange is […]

Examining Doctrines Shunning

Can I Just Leave?

On the official website, in the FAQ section, the following topic is addressed: Do Jehovah s Witnesses Shun Former Members of Their Religion? The very first answer given to this question is: “Those who were baptized as Jehovah s Witnesses but no longer preach to others, perhaps even drifting away from association with fellow […]

Examining Doctrines Organized Religion Shunning

A Lesson in Tolerance

“John said to Jesus, “Teacher, we saw a man casting out demons by the use of your name, and we tried to stop him because he is not one of our company.” “Don’t stop him,” said Jesus. “There is no one who can do a work of power in the strength of my name and […]

Religious History Shunning

The Crushing Weight of Authority Part 2

Persecution of Jerome of Prague This reformer, who was the companion of Dr. Huss, and may be said to be a co-martyr with him, was born at Prague, and educated in that university, where he particularly distinguished himself for his great abilities and learning. He likewise visited several other learned seminaries in Europe, particularly the […]


Compassion for the Other: Faith and Doubt among Jehovah’s Witnesses

Jehovah’s Witnesses have come under much criticism for their policy of shunning. Often critics, viewing things from the perspective of the disfellowshipped person, see this as cruel and unloving treatment. While I personally have come to know of many experiences that have led me to agree with those who view this to be an extreme […]

Religious History Shunning

The Crushing Weight of Authority Part 1

Healing a Man Born Blind (With comments from Albert Barnes) 1Now as Jesus was passing by, he saw a man who had been blind from birth. 2His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who committed the sin that caused him to be born blind, this man or his parents?” 3Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents […]