The Faithful and Discreet Slave Videos

An Apology?

The governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses tries to give the impression that they humbly apologize for errors in their biblical understanding. But at the most recent annual meeting in October 2023, governing body member Jeffrey Winder explained that new light comes to them from God. Hence, there is no need for an apology when they […]

This Generation Videos

Just Around the Corner!

Would it be loving for a parent to promise his child that a trip to an amusement park was coming soon, knowing that it would not occur in the child’s lifetime? How then could we imagine that God would do such a thing? From the beginning of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society in 1879 […]

The Faithful and Discreet Slave Videos

Will You Heed the Warning?

For decades, the Watchtower organization has interpreted Jesus illustration in Matthew 24:45-47 about a faithful and discreet slave, as a prophecy about a future appointment first of a special group of Christians living since 1919, then as a small group of men serving as a governing body to be his channel of explaining the Bible […]

This Generation Videos

Are We Living in the Last Days?

Jehovah’s Witnesses are taught that world conditions prove that Jesus has been ruling in the heavens since 1914. Since that year, an unprecedented period of trouble called the last days began and that soon God’s kingdom will rid the earth of wickedness and suffering. This forms the basis of the message they preach both publicly, […]

This Generation Videos

This Generation – Only the Anointed?

According to David Splane, this generation is made up only of anointed Christians. Is this true? Does Jesus say anything about being anointed? This video answers that question along with the question of whether Jesus words have a type-antitype fulfillment.

This Generation Videos

This Generation – 1+1=1

This video will demonstrate that time was once again running out for the Watchtower organization and their interpretation of this generation, and seeking to lengthen it, they searched high and low in the Bible in order to find a scripture they could manipulate for this purpose. Exodus 1:6 was the perfect choice because the lives […]

1914 This Generation Videos

This Generation – The Link to 1914

In the previous video on the subject of “This Generation”, we saw an example of how far the Watchtower organization is willing to go in making changes to their doctrines. But why were the changes to their teaching on this generation made? Was it really out of respect for the Bible? Or was there another […]

This Generation Videos

The Ever-Changing Generation Teaching

The Watchtower organization has changed its interpretation of Jesus words at Matthew 24:34 about “this generation” numerous times. Instead of admitting they were wrong about the year 1914 they simply adjusted their interpretations, continually moving the goalposts to make it appear that the end was near. Millions of witnesses were kept in a constant state […]

The Faithful and Discreet Slave Videos

They Do Not Practice What They Say

The governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses often extracts from the scriptures fine lessons of Christian conduct for witnesses to follow. However, just as was true of the scribes and Pharisees of Jesus day they say, but to not put into practice what they say. (Matthew 23:2,3) This video gives one example of this as highlighted […]

Shunning Videos

Extreme Shunning Is Un-Christian

In a recent morning worship talk, Robert Ciranko, helper to the governing body, doubled down on the Watchtower society’s shunning policy. This video shows that the two main scriptures, 1 Corinthians 5:9-11 and 2 John 9-11, most often used by the organization do not support their claims. Instead of being a practice engaged in by […]