On their official website (JW.Org) the Watchtower organization regularly posts articles and videos stating that it is a requirement of God for persons to be members of an organized religion in order to gain salvation. This channel has addressed this topic before. But in their most recent posting the statement is made that some people […]
Category: Examining Doctrines
All of Jehovah’s Witnesses are taught that the best way to understand the scriptures is to consider the context. Yet, in order to arrive at the current interpretation of Jesus words in Matthew 24:34 regarding “this generation”, David Splane abandons this principle and makes a deliberate choice of his own in order to adjust the […]
Governing body helper Ralph Walls gives a talk discussing the importance of having on the complete suit of armor mentioned by the apostle Paul in Ephesians chapter 6. However, instead of concentrating on our hope of salvation which comes from God, he says putting on the helmet is equivalent to applying counsel from the faithful […]
by Nicklas Calvert • Alberte Linde On March 4, 2024, Oslo Tingrett approved the decision of the Norwegian state to depriving Jehovah’s Witnesses of recognition as a religious community in Norway. The Crown witness in the previous trial was 47-year-old Norwegian Jan Frode Nilsen. He is a former member of Jehovah’s Witnesses and has been […]
And the scripture was fulfilled that says, “Now Abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness,” and he was called God’s friend. (Jas 2:23 NET) Regarding this the Watchtower states: How Abraham Was Accounted Righteous “The case of Abraham deserves particular attention. His being declared righteous is mentioned by two writers of […]
Morten Dahlin emphasizes that Jehovah’s Witnesses must behave properly and follow Danish law’ by Alberte Linde Ekstra Bladet uncovers the finances of Jehovah’s Witnesses, the people behind, the rules and the life of Jehovah’s Witnesses. It comes after the organization presented their members in March with a number of new rules that have resulted in […]
In order to support their claim of serving as God’s sole channel of communication on earth today, the governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses points to Jesus words in Matthew 24:45-47. They claim that Jesus promised that in the future, he would appoint a faithful and discreet slave or governing body to explain the Bible for […]
Updated June 2, 2024Published June 2, 2024 SVT Nyheter Jehovah’s Witnesses are facing new challenges today when defectors speak out on social media, says journalist Jenny Küttim, who herself grew up as a Witness and later came to examine the movement. – I am impressed by how Ida spreads knowledge on Tiktok, she says. At […]
During the 2023 annual meeting of Jehovah’s Witnesses, governing body member Geoffrey Jackson mentioned that not everyone on earth will have a full opportunity to hear the message before Armageddon. This raises the question: How will Jesus judge such ones at that time? The answer given was that Jehovah has not yet revealed to us […]
God clearly instructs humans not to put their trust in human leaders. Yet leaders of the Watchtower organization and other religious organizations and cults demand that you completely trust them. Why is that?