In their meetings Jehovah’s Witnesses are regularly taught to give consideration to pre-Christian servants of God, viewing them as examples of faith to imitate. However, as in many areas, the ones responsible for teaching these very lessons, the governing body, do not apply them to themselves. This video highlights an ongoing opportunity for the leadership […]
Category: Governing Body
In order to support their claim of serving as God’s sole channel of communication on earth today, the governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses points to Jesus words in Matthew 24:45-47. They claim that Jesus promised that in the future, he would appoint a faithful and discreet slave or governing body to explain the Bible for […]
God clearly instructs humans not to put their trust in human leaders. Yet leaders of the Watchtower organization and other religious organizations and cults demand that you completely trust them. Why is that?
In the 2023 annual meeting of Jehovah’s Witnesses, governing body member Jeffrey Winder explains how the governing body arrives at their decisions. The process by which the light gets brighter. He claims that there is no mystery involved because the process has already been outlined in the Bible in the book of Acts chapter 15. […]
Both the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (the Mormons) and Jehovah’s Witnesses claim to be restored church of Jesus Christ, the only true Christian religion on Earth today. To support their exclusive claims they both appeal to the words of the apostle Peter in John 6:68 in response to a teaching of […]
This video is a tribute to Raymond Franz former governing body member of Jehovah’s Witnesses and a shameless plug for his book Crisis of Conscience.

In 2015 in Sydney Australia, The Royal Commission held a public hearing. The hearing ran for 7 days from Monday July 27th to Wednesday August 5th and an 8th day on Friday August 14th. The public hearing, known as case study 29, inquired into the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Australia Ltd. Request […]

On November 18, 1978, a total of 918 individuals died in Jonestown Guyana, all but two from apparent cyanide poisoning. They were directed to do so by Jim Jones, leader of the Peoples Temple, a cult that moved there from San-Francisco. Although this is not the only time tragedy has resulted from persons allowing themselves […]

I really enjoy watching action movies but sometimes my critical thinking gets the better of me. While visiting a science laboratory a young man is bitten by a deadly super spider. His senses are enhanced and he even gains a new one that enables him to sense impending danger. Soon, he is swinging from the […]

I used to think that Narcissism was excessive self-love until I read an analysis of the story by Chuck DeGroat in his book: “When Narcissism Comes to Church” The story goes like this: Young, handsome Narcissus ran free, hunting in the forest, loved and desired by young women. But he would let no one touch […]