Divine Name Examining Doctrines Watchtower History

The Origin of the Name Jehovah’s Witnesses

In the previous post “Did the Apostles Proclaim the Name Jehovah?” a careful review of the scriptures clearly demonstrated a shift in the degree of prominence given to the divine name from the Old Testament to the New. The apostles, instead of bearing witness to the Father and emphasizing his name, in obedience to God […]

Divine Name Examining Doctrines Ministry New World Translation The Life and Teachings of Jesus

Did the Apostles Proclaim the Name Jehovah?

Before I begin with the subject at hand I thought it would be helpful, for those interested in technical accuracy, to make a small clarification. Since the exact pronunciation of the divine name is unknown, it is not the aim of this post nor of the one previous to this, “Did Jesus Proclaim the Name […]

Divine Name Examining Doctrines Ministry New World Translation The Life and Teachings of Jesus

Did Jesus Proclaim the Name Jehovah?

In a previous post entitled: “Restoring the Name Jehovah to the New Testament?” I examined what scholars and researchers had to say about the occurrence of the tetragrammaton in the Septuagint and earliest copies of the Christian writings. That article began with comments made by governing body member Geoffrey Jackson in a 2018 JW Broadcast […]

Divine Name Examining Doctrines New World Translation

Restoring the Name Jehovah to the New Testament?

In the October 2018 episode of JW Broadcasting, governing body member Geoffrey Jackson gave the theme talk entitled: “Father Glorify Your Name”. During the talk he gave an illustration that explains the Watchtower society’s rationale behind inserting the name Jehovah in the Greek portion of the New World Translation: “It’s important to note that the […]