1914 Examining Doctrines

When Did Jesus Become King?

If you were to ask anyone of Jehovah’s Witnesses the question: “when does Jesus become king”, the answer would invariably be in the year 1914. Although the actual date is nowhere mentioned in scripture, you would be told that it is clearly taught in the Bible. This understanding is based, in part, on what the […]

1914 607 BCE

Seventy Years – Jerusalem’s Destruction or Babylon’s Dominance?

Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that Jesus Christ was enthroned invisibly in heaven in the year 1914 and that, shortly after that, in the year 1919, he appointed a “faithful and discreet slave” or governing body to explain the Bible for his followers and direct the preaching of the good news worldwide. These teachings are unique to […]

1914 607 BCE Examining Doctrines

When Was Jerusalem Destroyed by Babylon?

Both historical data and the Watchtower Society agree that Babylon fell in 539 BCE. In fact, it is regarded as a pivotal date on which reliable Bible chronology can be determined. But what about Jerusalem’s destruction? Is there any evidence that Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 BCE or that the Jews returned from exile in […]

1914 Examining Doctrines

Types and Anti-types – 1914

At the October 2014 Annual Meeting of Jehovah’s Witnesses, David Splane, member of the governing body, gave a talk entitled “Types and Anti-types”. In his closing remarks he stated: We deeply appreciate the spiritual heritage that was passed on to us by the early Bible Students. In harmony with Zechariah chapter 4 and verse 10: […]

1914 Examining Doctrines The Faithful and Discreet Slave The Life and Teachings of Jesus This Generation

This Generation

In Matthew chapter 24 verse 34 we read these words of Jesus: Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen. Matthew 24:34 Since 1925 the Watchtower society has taught that Jesus was enthroned invisibly in the heavens in 1914. ( The Watchtower March 1, […]

1914 Examining Doctrines Organized Religion Return of Christ The Life and Teachings of Jesus

Wars and Reports of Wars

In answer Jesus said to them: “Look out that nobody misleads you, 5 for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will mislead many. 6 You are going to hear of wars and reports of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for these things must take place, but […]

1914 Examining Doctrines Religious History The Faithful and Discreet Slave Watchtower History

The Watchtower Society Conceals Its History

“More than 30 years before October 1914, anointed Christians began preaching that God’s Kingdom would begin to rule on that important date. Their understanding was based on Daniel’s prophecy about a large tree that was cut down and would grow again after a period of time. (Daniel 4:16) Jesus described a sign that would help his […]