Examining Doctrines Memorial of Christ's Death The Great Crowd/Other Sheep The Life and Teachings of Jesus

A Covenant For a Kingdom

This topic appeared as a subheading in a previous article entitled: “Christ Our Passover”. However, further thought and reflection has motivated me to expand a little more on it. Additionally, you will see at the conclusion, the study opened up more questions that needed to be explored. Hence this may turn out to be the […]

Examining Doctrines Memorial of Christ's Death The Great Crowd/Other Sheep The Life and Teachings of Jesus

Christ Our Passover

Clear away the old leaven so that you may be a new batch, inasmuch as you are free from ferment. For, indeed, Christ our Passover lamb has been sacrificed. -1 Corinthians 5:7. The Watchtower society teaches that the Memorial of Christ’s death is a replacement for the Passover. If this is indeed the case, it […]

Examining Doctrines Governing Body The Faithful and Discreet Slave The Life and Teachings of Jesus

Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Have a Human Leader?

Neither be called leaders, for your Leader is one, the Christ. -Matthew 23:10 NWT What did Jesus mean by saying this? What message was he trying to convey to his disciples? Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his disciples, saying: “The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the seat of Moses. […]


The Right Way to Deal With a Challenge to Authority

“Let us consider an illustration. Imagine that a teacher is telling his students how to solve a difficult problem. A clever but rebellious student claims that the teacher’s way of solving the problem is wrong. Implying that the teacher is not capable, this rebel insists that he knows a much better way to solve the […]

Apostasy Ministry Organized Religion The Life and Teachings of Jesus

Did Jesus Shield Himself From Apostates?

During his ministry, Jesus showed courage by boldly exposing the religious leaders for misleading the people with false teachings. -Matthew 23:13-36. He continued to do this even though his life was threatened. -John 5:15-18. Twice, he fearlessly cleansed the temple, driving out those who were defiling his Father’s worship there. -Matthew. 21:12, 13; John 2:14-17. […]

The Faithful and Discreet Slave

Is Independent Thinking a Sin?

What Would You Do? If we were eating in a restaurant and you spotted a hair in my food would you tell me? What if, after you pointed it out to me, I said I didn’t see it? Would you be moved to reach over, pull the hair out, show it to me and then […]

Child Abuse

Love and Justice in the Face of Wickedness?

On September 26, 2018 a jury decided the Jehovah’s Witnesses of Thompson Falls Montana, as well as its national headquarters, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, failed to protect one of its members from child sexual abuse. As a result, the victim was awarded $35 million. Sanders County District Judge James Manley ruled that the organization […]

Examining Doctrines Memorial of Christ's Death The Life and Teachings of Jesus

Who Should Partake of the Memorial Emblems?

Also, he took a loaf, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to them, saying: “This means my body, which is to be given in your behalf. Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” Also, he did the same with the cup after they had the evening meal, saying: “This cup means the new covenant […]

Divine Name Examining Doctrines Watchtower History

The Origin of the Name Jehovah’s Witnesses

In the previous post “Did the Apostles Proclaim the Name Jehovah?” a careful review of the scriptures clearly demonstrated a shift in the degree of prominence given to the divine name from the Old Testament to the New. The apostles, instead of bearing witness to the Father and emphasizing his name, in obedience to God […]

Divine Name Examining Doctrines Ministry New World Translation The Life and Teachings of Jesus

Did the Apostles Proclaim the Name Jehovah?

Before I begin with the subject at hand I thought it would be helpful, for those interested in technical accuracy, to make a small clarification. Since the exact pronunciation of the divine name is unknown, it is not the aim of this post nor of the one previous to this, “Did Jesus Proclaim the Name […]