Cults Organized Religion

What is a Cult?

The following is a review of an article printed in the February 1994 issue of The Watchtower. Exactly one year earlier, the news reported on the tragedy in Waco Texas that left 86 dead at the end of a standoff between law enforcement and the religious movement founded by David Koresh called the Branch Dividians. […]

1919 Examining Doctrines The Faithful and Discreet Slave

Types and Anti-types 1919

In a previous post we have seen that, despite evidence to the contrary, the Watchtower society has arbitrarily decided that Nebuchadnezzar’s tree dream in Daniel chapter 4 must have an antitypical future fulfillment beyond Nebuchadnezzar. This article will show that this is not the only time they chose to go against this rule. It also […]

Governing Body Organized Religion The Faithful and Discreet Slave

Is the Governing Body Really Guided by God?

The Watchtower society has admitted that the faithful and discreet slave or governing body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction. (The Watchtower February 2017 study edition pg 26 par 12 “Who Is Leading God’s People Today?”) This is not just a recent admission but it […]

Examining Doctrines Shunning The Life and Teachings of Jesus

Extreme Shunning is Un-Christian

In a recent morning worship broadcast, governing body helper Leonard Myers gave an example that illustrated the need for Christians to avoid showing misplaced compassion.  However, I thought it odd that the example he chooses is from the Mosaic Law. This is a common practice of those on the teaching committee of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The […]

Child Abuse Examining Doctrines The Life and Teachings of Jesus

The Misuse of Matthew 18:15-17

The aim of this article is to show primarily that scripturally Jesus words in Matthew chapter 18:15-17 cannot be used in support of the requirement that two eye witnesses are necessary in order to form a judicial committee to investigate allegations of the committing of a crime, in particular, child sexual abuse, in congregations of […]

Recommended Websites is designed to publish the truth about the background and the teachings of Jehovah’s Witnesses since their late 19th Century beginnings and expose the facts about their changing doctrines and teachings. They also provide a history of the Watchtower organization and its leaders.

Uncategorized Watchtower and the United Nations

The Watchtower and OSCE

In the August 22, 1997 issue of “Awake” there appeared an article describing an organization known as OSCE: OSCE—What Is It? Will It Succeed? By Awake! correspondent in Portugal AFTER World War II, a power struggle arose between Western democratic capitalist countries and the Eastern Communist Soviet bloc. Each bloc developed its own security organization: the North […]


Trust In Me

Apostasy Shunning

The Best Way to Fight Religious Intolerance

In many countries, ethnic minorities who have their rights protected by law often find themselves the object of intolerance. Guaranteeing freedom by law clearly does not get to the roots of intolerance. The fact that intolerance is hidden below the surface does not mean that it does not exist. If at some future time circumstances […]

Examining Doctrines Heaven Memorial of Christ's Death The Great Crowd/Other Sheep

Is Jesus Christ Your Mediator?

(1 Timothy 2:5, 6) For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all—this is what is to be witnessed to in its own due time. The Watchtower society teaches that Jesus Christ is the mediator of a new covenant between […]