Governing Body Organized Religion The Faithful and Discreet Slave Videos

To Whom Shall We Go?

Both the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (the Mormons) and Jehovah’s Witnesses claim to be restored church of Jesus Christ, the only true Christian religion on Earth today. To support their exclusive claims they both appeal to the words of the apostle Peter in John 6:68 in response to a teaching of […]

1914 This Generation Videos

Do You Have the Facts?

Jehovah’s Witnesses are convinced that, out of all religions on earth, they alone have the truth. But how much do they really know about the origins of their religion? This video examines the claim, that only the early Bible students understood the alleged biblical significance of the date 1914 and how the leadership conceals from […]

Blood Transfusion Videos

What is Jehovah’s Witnesses Definition of Blood?-Part 2

This video contains the second letter sent by R. Jensen, an elder of Jehovah’s Witnesses, to the Watchtower society regarding their reasons for refusing blood transfusions along with their reply.

Child Abuse

Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Policy Hides Abuse

Ousted Members Say Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Policy on Abuse Hides Offenses By Laurie Goodstein Aug. 11, 2002 William Bowen always considered himself a devout Jehovah’s Witness. As a child, he felt it was his duty to go door to door passing out the church’s magazine, The Watchtower. Later, as an elder in his Kentucky congregation, he said […]

Blood Transfusion The Jensen Letters Videos

What is Jehovah’s Witnesses Definition of Blood?

This video contains the first important letter sent to the Watchtower society regarding their reasons for refusing blood transfusions along with their reply.

Blood Transfusion The Jensen Letters Videos

Why Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Refuse Blood Transfusions?

Getting a full explanation as to why Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse blood transfusions is very complicated. But correspondence between a congregation elder and the Watchtower society helps to reveal some of the reasons and the scriptures they rely on to support those reasons.

The Faithful and Discreet Slave Videos

An Apology?

The governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses tries to give the impression that they humbly apologize for errors in their biblical understanding. But at the most recent annual meeting in October 2023, governing body member Jeffrey Winder explained that new light comes to them from God. Hence, there is no need for an apology when they […]

This Generation Videos

Just Around the Corner!

Would it be loving for a parent to promise his child that a trip to an amusement park was coming soon, knowing that it would not occur in the child’s lifetime? How then could we imagine that God would do such a thing? From the beginning of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society in 1879 […]

Apostasy Videos Watchtower and the United Nations

Jehovah’s Witnesses Can’t Handle the Truth!

Jehovah’s Witnesses like to say that they are in the truth. They even greet each other with expressions such as when did you come into the truth? Or, how long have you been in the truth? Actually, these expressions only replace the word organization with the word truth. But since the teachings of the organization […]

Apostasy Videos

Flodin Is Deceitful!

In an attempt to make it appear that apostates are deceitful, Kenneth Flodin in a morning worship talk deceitfully misquotes a Watchtower article.