1914 This Generation Videos

This Generation – The Link to 1914

In the previous video on the subject of “This Generation”, we saw an example of how far the Watchtower organization is willing to go in making changes to their doctrines. But why were the changes to their teaching on this generation made? Was it really out of respect for the Bible? Or was there another […]

This Generation Videos

The Ever-Changing Generation Teaching

The Watchtower organization has changed its interpretation of Jesus words at Matthew 24:34 about “this generation” numerous times. Instead of admitting they were wrong about the year 1914 they simply adjusted their interpretations, continually moving the goalposts to make it appear that the end was near. Millions of witnesses were kept in a constant state […]

The Faithful and Discreet Slave Videos

They Do Not Practice What They Say

The governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses often extracts from the scriptures fine lessons of Christian conduct for witnesses to follow. However, just as was true of the scribes and Pharisees of Jesus day they say, but to not put into practice what they say. (Matthew 23:2,3) This video gives one example of this as highlighted […]

The Life and Teachings of Jesus Videos

Will God Accept Me If I’m Sincere?

The Watchtower organization as well as other high control religious groups teach that in order to gain God’s approval it is not enough to be sincere. A person’s beliefs must be in harmony with truth. This conveniently places them in the position of being able to offer their unique interpretation of scripture as truth, thus […]

The Faithful and Discreet Slave Videos

Is Your Loyalty to God Or to the Organization?

Jehovah’s Witnesses would have difficulty answering this question because of the belief that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is God’s organization. So, according to them, being loyal to the organization is being loyal to God. However, at the same time they admit that the organization is run by imperfect men that are not infallible. […]

Apostasy Examining Doctrines Governing Body Videos

Witness Under Prosecution

This video is a tribute to Raymond Franz former governing body member of Jehovah’s Witnesses and a shameless plug for his book Crisis of Conscience.

1914 Armageddon This Generation Videos

It Does Not Belong To Them

Before Jesus died, he himself said that even the Son did not then know the “day and hour” when the end would come but “only the Father.” (Matt. 24:36) He told his disciples that it does not belong to them to get knowledge about the times and seasons the Father has placed in his own […]


Can You Trust JW Broadcasting?


Does the Governing Body Really Provide Food at the Proper Time?

The governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses claims to be God’s appointed channel for providing accurate biblical interpretation for all Christians today. However, they have a track record of making multiple corrections and adjustments to those teachings over the past century. This begs the question: Is what they provide really food at the proper time?


A Simpler Approach to the Faithful and Discreet Slave

In order to support their claim of serving as God’s sole channel of communication on earth today, the governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses offers as support, Jesus words in Matthew 24:45-47. They claim that Jesus promised that in the future, he would appoint a faithful and discreet slave or governing body to explain the Bible […]