Tag: cult

The Sunday morning session of the 2021 “Powerful By Faith” Regional Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses contains a symposium entitled: “Imitate Women of Strong Faith”. The sixth talk in the series by governing body helper Leonard Myers (The Phoenician Woman) contained a video discouraging witnesses from exercising critical thinking by presenting a scene of a newly […]
by Mark Barnard I was ordained as a minister by a lesser known Christian denomination. Because it is not well known, people occasionally mistook it for a cult! At those uncomfortable moments, I assured them that it is more than 100 years old, founded on a vision for missions and anchored on the authority of God’s […]

Distrust of Material Not Provided by the Organization The Watchtower society often admonishes its members to encourage persons they meet in their witnessing work that belong to another religion to compare what their church teaches to what the Bible says. They even offer specific literature to help guide them in the process and help them […]

Peter Gregerson, a witness for almost 50 years reveals the one pivotal question, the examination of which, resulted in his leaving the organization.
Pleading the Cause of the Lowly One

There are perhaps millions of people that sincerely believe they are happy while living in a high control religious system. At the same time there are possibly an equal amount of persons that are unhappy and feel confined. I myself remember a time while serving as an elder in Jehovah’s Witnesses being approached by a […]