On their official website (JW.Org) the Watchtower organization regularly posts articles and videos stating that it is a requirement of God for persons to be members of an organized religion in order to gain salvation. This channel has addressed this topic before. But in their most recent posting the statement is made that some people […]
Tag: Australian Royal Commission
The Watchtower society has printed what they believe are scriptural reasons for shunning persons that resign from their organization. While Jesus gave instructions about how to handle a member of the Christian congregation that engages in sin and does not want to change, this video answers the question: Does the Bible support the shunning of […]
In 2015 The Australian Royal Commission in case number 29 gave the Watchtower organization recommendations that would enable them to respond more adequately to child sexual abuse allegations and protect children. After two years the commission reconvened in order to ascertain whether their recommendations were followed.
In 2015 at the Australian Royal Commission’s Inquiry into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, governing body member Geoffrey Jackson tried to explain in his testimony that Jehovah’s Witnesses do not shun former members as long as they leave unofficially by merely ceasing to attend meetings. But if they formally wish to disassociate themselves so […]
A Failure to Show Love of Neighbor!
When asked what the greatest commandment in the Mosaic Law was, Jesus responded by saying that it was to love God with one’s whole heart, mind, soul and strength. But second to this was to love one’s neighbor as oneself. However, when it comes to protecting children from dangerous sexual predators, the Watchtower society is […]
Since the royal commission exposed the cruel treatment of victims of child abuse within the Jehovah’s Witnesses, little has changed. But in a landmark civil case, former member Amy Whitby is taking on the secretive religious group in court. By Adam Harvey, Mary Fallon, and Lucy Carter with photography by Harriet Tatham Four Corners Updated […]
Why Is Shunning Necessary?
During the 2015 Australian Royal Commission, two representatives of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society were asked why it is necessary for the organization to have a policy that tells all of their members to shun persons that have disassociated themselves. Notice their evasive reply.

In 2015 in Sydney Australia, The Royal Commission held a public hearing. The hearing ran for 7 days from Monday July 27th to Wednesday August 5th and an 8th day on Friday August 14th. The public hearing, known as case study 29, inquired into the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Australia Ltd. Request […]

It has been claimed that the Watchtower organization provided the Australian Royal Commission with 1,006 case files containing allegations of sexual abuse. Of those, 383 had been reported to police at the time they had happened which resulted in 161 convictions.[1] Is this correct? While this is true, an important bit of information has been […]

In October 2020 the Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Australasia submitted an 8 page response to the Joint Select Committee detailing why they disagree with the implementation of the National Redress Scheme. On page 1 of the submission the following is stated: “The religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses has responded and continues to respond directly […]