Organized Religion

Hold Fast to the Truth With Strong Conviction

The preview to study article number 42 entitled “Hold Fast to the Truth With Strong Conviction” in the October 2021 issue of the Watchtower states:

In this article, we will look at the pattern of true worship set by Jesus and examine how his early disciples followed it. We will also provide evidence that Jehovah’s Witnesses are following that pattern of true worship today.

The first paragraph asks the question: “Is there one true religion or do all religions please God?” The question is misleading as it deliberately sets up a false dilemma. Sometimes called the “either-or” fallacy, a false dilemma is a logical fallacy that presents only two options or sides while not offering for consideration any other option. If the answer to the first part of the question is no there is not one true religion, must it automatically follow that all religions please God? No. There is another option.

Must a person belong to a religious organization in order to please God?

Although Christians in the first century were united in their worship does the Bible indicate that this would continue to be the case throughout history? In his parable of the wheat and the weeds, Jesus indicated that, due to the efforts of Satan, in time it would be impossible for humans to determine just who the genuine Christians were:

He presented another illustration to them, saying: “The Kingdom of the heavens may be likened to a man who sowed fine seed in his field. 25 While men were sleeping, his enemy came and oversowed weeds in among the wheat and left. 26 When the stalk sprouted and produced fruit, then the weeds also appeared. 27 So the slaves of the master of the house came and said to him, ‘Master, did you not sow fine seed in your field? How, then, does it have weeds?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy, a man, did this.’ The slaves said to him, ‘Do you want us, then, to go out and collect them?’ 29 He said, ‘No, for fear that while collecting the weeds, you uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and in the harvest season, I will tell the reapers: First collect the weeds and bind them in bundles to burn them up; then gather the wheat into my storehouse.’” (Matthew 13:24-30)
Then after dismissing the crowds, he went into the house. His disciples came to him and said: “Explain to us the illustration of the weeds in the field.” 37 In response he said: “The sower of the fine seed is the Son of man; 38 the field is the world. As for the fine seed, these are the sons of the Kingdom, but the weeds are the sons of the wicked one, 39 and the enemy who sowed them is the Devil. The harvest is a conclusion of a system of things, and the reapers are angels. 40 Therefore, just as the weeds are collected and burned with fire, so it will be in the conclusion of the system of things. 41 The Son of man will send his angels, and they will collect out from his Kingdom all things that cause stumbling and people who practice lawlessness, 42 and they will pitch them into the fiery furnace. There is where their weeping and the gnashing of their teeth will be. 43 At that time the righteous ones will shine as brightly as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. Let the one who has ears listen. (Matthew 13:36-43)

Here Jesus illustrated that after the establishment of the Christian congregation, the Devil would infiltrate his field with imitation Christians. Instead of foretelling that there would be a great restoration of true Christianity in the future, Jesus indicated in the parable that this situation would continue until the conclusion of the system. At that time he would send, not men, but his angels to first remove the weeds and then gather the wheat into his storehouse. In fact, any human attempts at separating the wheat would be presumptuously working against the interests of the master of the harvest. Hence, the situation we see today of tens of thousands of so-called Christian denominations claiming to worship God acceptably is exactly what we should expect to find. This situation would only be cleared up when Jesus returns. (See also Matt. 7:21-23; 13:47-50; 25:31-46)

Should this cause us to worry as though the situation were hopeless? Well, consider. Even the Watchtower society acknowledges that during the 1,900 years that the so called apostate Christian Church existed Jesus was with his true disciples as individuals. (Matt. 28:20)[1]

Hence, it must be asked, if Jesus could look after his genuine Christian wheat for all that time, why not now?

Many persons today are strongly convinced in their own mind that what they are teaching is the truth and that the pattern of worship that they are following today is the one that is acceptable to God. However, for humans with limited knowledge, obtaining truth is a gradual course of discovery. No one religion can claim to have the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Rather than looking for one religion that teaches with complete doctrinal accuracy, God is searching the hearts of individuals. Persons that God considers true worshipers are those that have a love for the truth and are willing and humble enough to make adjustments when new information is brought to light. (John 4:21-24) Sincere worshipers also manifest in their lives true love for God and for their neighbor. (Matt. 25:33-40; Acts 10:34; Rom. 2:14-16; Jas. 1:27)

By means of a miraculous appearance, Paul was absolutely convinced that Jesus was the foretold Messiah. In a conversation with a Samaritan woman, Jesus said that salvation originates with the Jews. In harmony with this, Paul did not start or join a new religion. But because of teaching that it was Jesus whom the prophets foretold, he was persecuted by members of his own religion. He is the perfect example of how a sincere worshiper responds when confronted with the truth. On the other hand, some among the Jewish religious leaders blasphemed the Holy Spirit when they attributed Jesus miracles to Beelzebub. Not even miracles could move them to accept the truth. Belonging to a religious organization, even one approved by God, could not save them. (John 8:24; Rom. 2:28,29) The same is true today. Paragraph 4 then goes on to set four criteria by which it is claimed that true Christianity can be identified:

4 One way we can strengthen our conviction that we have found the truth is by comparing the pattern of worship set by Jesus with what Jehovah’s Witnesses are doing today. In this article, we will see that true Christians (1) reject idolatry, (2) respect Jehovah’s name, (3) love the truth, and (4) love one another intensely.

Reject Idolatry

It is true that Jehovah’s Witnesses do not include kissing, praying to or bowing before statues or images in their worship. But is it true that they do not follow charismatic church leaders? How is the governing body viewed? Are they not looked to as the “faithful and discreet slave” God’s channel of communication on earth?[2] Are not witnesses taught that their salvation depends on following their direction?[3] Are they not taught to have complete trust in them? Are not circuit overseers, elders and ministerial servants appointed positions within the organization? Is there not a division between these and the rest of the congregation referred to as publishers?[4] When it comes to determining what is true according to the Bible, can each individual determine for themselves how to live their lives in harmony with Bible principles? Is it possible for each one to carry their own load of responsibility and render an account for themselves to God? Or must they rely upon their leaders to interpret and direct how they live and express their faith?

So is it really true that Jehovah’s Witnesses have no clergy?

Respect the Name Jehovah

Did Jesus and the disciples pronounce the divine name? Was making God’s personal name known a primary part of their ministry? It was not necessary for Jesus to reveal the correct pronunciation of a name the disciples already knew. Rather, he made God’s name known by revealing his personality and character. He gave them authority to become God’s children and taught them to pray by addressing God as Father. (John 1:12; Matt. 6:9) When Paul preached to the Athenians about an unknown God he adequately did so without even mentioning the divine name. (Acts 17:22-31) When James said that God had turned to the nations to take out of them a people for his name this did not mean they were called Jehovah’s Witnesses. By divine providence they were known as Christians. (Acts 11:26) The scriptural answer is no, the divine name did not feature as prominently in first century Christian worship as it does among Jehovah’s Witnesses today.

Love of the Truth

When paragraph 12 talks about what God’s people claim, it is not referring to individual witnesses, for they do not decide what doctrine to adhere to or give organizational direction. So the paragraph should read “the members of the governing body today do not claim to have perfect or complete knowledge of the truth. However, there is nothing in scripture that gives authorization to a centralized governing body to decide and enforce what others believe outside of the instructions given in the Bible. (2 Tim. 3:16,17)

The very admission that they do not have complete knowledge should cause them to refrain from punishing others that disagree with them. It should also move them to humbly apologize for mistakes that have been made, especially when these mistakes have led to hardship, suffering, even death of their loyal followers. It is slanderous for them to claim, without proof, that other Christian religions make changes only to please their congregations or get closer to the world. Why not provide an example? When the organization was exposed for having a ten year membership with the U.N. as an NGO, did they cease membership in order to draw others closer to God? If so, why did they join in the first place? With the numerous changes in the interpretation of Jesus words in Matthew 24:34 about “this generation”, is the governing body trying to help others get closer to God? Or are the adjustments rather aimed at covering their mistakes by sweeping away past failed predictions?

What should be said about their stubborn refusal to make doctrinal changes despite what has come to light by current scholarship or archaeological evidence? For over 100 years they have taught that Jerusalem was destroyed by Babylon in the year 607 B.C.E. despite mountains of evidence that this took place in 587 B.C.E.

Intense Love for One Another

But if Jesus foretold that no attempt to remove the weeds until he sends the angels then we must understand that only first century Christians could be identified by the love they have for one another. Otherwise we would have a contradiction. Furthermore, love for fellow worshipers was not the only identifying mark of a genuine disciple. (Matt. 5:43-48; Luke 10:29-37)

The claim of the Watchtower society of patterning its organizational structure after the first century Christian congregation is discussed on this site in the article “A First Century Governing Body” Two entire series has been spent discussing the organization’s misapplication of what the Bible says about blood and disfellowshipping. Neither of these are based on the pattern set in the first century.

It is obvious that Jesus words in Matthew chapter 7 were to show how he would reject the claim of individuals to be his disciples as being false, not religious organizations.

After these are discussed the article goes on to make the bold statement that only Jehovah’s Witnesses measure up as the only religion practicing the true faith today.

Let someone else praise you, and not your own mouth; Others, and not your own lips. (Proverbs 27:2)

Of course, it is easy for one to measure up when he himself sets up the criteria for judgment and then proceeds to render that judgment. However, I would imagine that first century Christians would not presume to be so bold.

For we do not dare to class ourselves or compare ourselves with some who recommend themselves. But when they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are without understanding. (2 Corinthians 10:12)

[1] See The Watchtower July 15, 2013 pg. 10 par. 4

[2] See The Watchtower July 15, 2013 pg.21 pars. 9-10

[3] See The Watchtower October 2018 box on page 21

[4] See Jehovah’s Witnesses Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom pg. 35

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