Governing Body Man of Lawlessness

A People Still Under Law Part 5

Forbidding to Marry
“However, the inspired word clearly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired statements and teachings of demons, 2 by means of the hypocrisy of men who speak lies, whose conscience is seared as with a branding iron. 3 They forbid marriage… (1 Timothy 4:1-3)

According to the Watchtower society, this scripture found fulfillment when the Catholic Church began requiring its priests to take a vow of celibacy:

“Some may be shocked to learn that nowhere does the Bible prohibit Christian ministers of God from marrying. The Catholic Church, however, has forbidden priests to marry since the 12th century. Interestingly, when referring to the great apostasy from true worship that would set in after the death of the apostles, Paul wrote that “some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired utterances and teachings of demons, by the hypocrisy of men who speak lies, . . . forbidding to marry.”—1 Timothy 4:1-3. (The Watchtower December 15, 1990 pg. 21)

 “Forbidding to Marry”

Because of the “prevalence of fornication,” the Bible says that “it is better to marry than to be inflamed with passion.” (1 Corinthians 7:2, 9) In spite of this wise advice, many among the clergy are required to remain celibate, that is, unmarried. “The vow of celibacy is not broken,” explains Nino Lo Bello in his book The Vatican Papers, “if a priest, monk or nun engages in sexual relations. . . . Forgiveness for sexual relations can be obtained by making an honest declaration in the confessional, whereas the marriage of any priest would simply not be recognized by the Church.” Has this teaching produced good or bad fruitage?—Matthew 7:15-19.

No doubt, many priests live morally chaste lives, but a large number do not. According to the 1992 Britannica Book of the Year, “the Roman Catholic Church was reported to have paid out $300 million to settle cases of clergy sexual abuse.” Later, the 1994 edition said: “The death of a number of clergy from AIDS brought visibility to the presence of gay priests and observations that there were an inordinate number of . . . gays drawn to the priesthood.” No wonder the Bible states that “forbidding to marry” is a ‘teaching of demons.’ (1 Timothy 4:1-3) “In the view of some historians,” writes Peter de Rosa in his book Vicars of Christ, “[priestly celibacy] has probably done more harm to morals than any other institution in the West, including prostitution. . . . [It] has been more often than not a stain on the name of Christianity. . . . Enforced celibacy has always led to hypocrisy in the ranks of the clergy. . . . A priest can fall a thousand times but he is forbidden by canon law to marry once.” (The Watchtower July 1, 1996 pgs. 6-7)

However, it is a little known fact that prior to the 1950’s the Watchtower society discouraged not only full time servants but all members of the great multitude (great crowd) from getting married:

 “If in obedience to the divine command the Jonadabs or great multitude will marry and rear children after Armageddon, would it not be Scripturally proper for them to begin doing so immediately before Armageddon? And should the Jonadabs now be encouraged to marry and rear children? No, is the answer, supported by the Scriptures” (The Watchtower November 1, 1938 pg. 323)

“There shall be thenceforward no more a suckling of a few days”; that is, the end of the babe a few days old shall not come. The baby shall continue to live and grow up. It shall grow to manhood or womanhood, strong and vigorous. If it is properly taught and gives heed tp the teaching, it will learn to love and to serve the King and Jehovah. At least, it will grow up until it reaches an age of individual responsibility, and, if it dies, its death will not be the result of inherited sin, but by reason of individual wrongdoing, and this is clearly declared by the prophet. (Jer. 31: 29, 30) That being true, there will be no babes that will die as such at any time. This truth should be and will be of great encouragement and comfort to those who are now Jonadabs and who look forward to the time that they may live during the millennial reign of Christ, and marry and bring forth children into the earth. This would suggest that Jonadabs should not be anxious to marry now, but with hope and confidence look forward to the time after Armageddon when they may have children with the assurance that they can rear such children without fear of the child’s dying as a child. (The Watchtower November 15, 1938 pg. 346)

“Should men and women, both of whom are Jonadabs or “other sheep” of the Lord, now marry before Armageddon and bring forth children? They may choose to do so, but the admonition or advice of the Scriptures appears to be against it. (1941 Children pg. 312)

 “During my early years at Bethel, the arrangements did not allow for marriage, so, like many others, I contented myself with singleness and Bethel service. However, when the policy of the Bethel family changed, permitting marriage, I married Helen Lapshanski on April 7, 1956. (The Watchtower September 1, 1989 pg. 30)

“Since the 1920’s, Bethelites who desired to marry had been required to leave Bethel and serve Kingdom interests elsewhere. But in the early 1950’s, a few couples who had served at Bethel for some time were allowed to marry and stay. (The Watchtower July 1, 2004 pg. 26)

The December 15, 1990 Watchtower states: “nowhere does the Bible prohibit Christian ministers of God from marrying”. Since none of these articles written prior to 1950 that discourage its members from getting married, outside of a misapplication of Isaiah 65:20 and Jeremiah 31:29, provides a valid scriptural basis for their position, the conclusion is inescapable that they were involved in spreading misleading inspired statements and teachings of demons.[1]

Another man-made rule the Watchtower society also blames the Catholic Church for creating in order to control the lives and consciences of Christians is separating its members from the world. The next article will demonstrate how the society, by fostering an “us and them” mentality, takes this to the extreme.

[1] Although still encouraged after 1956 the pursuit of singleness was said to be a personal choice. See The Watchtower  October 1, 1956 pgs. 598-605

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