The Two Witness Rule in Israel “No single witness may convict another for any error or any sin that he may commit. On the testimony of two witnesses or on the testimony of three witnesses the matter should be established. 16 If a malicious witness testifies against a man and charges him with some transgression, 17 the […]
Month: July 2021
Recognize Poison and Avoid It!

Even though the title of his talk on the Saturday afternoon session of the 2021 “Powerful by Faith” Regional Convention: “Put Up a Hard Fight for the Faith” is taken from Jude’s words, as you listen, it becomes apparent that the faith that David Splane is encouraging his audience to fight for is not the […]
We Are Not Guilty!

This article is the second response to a talk given by David Splane in the Saturday afternoon session of the “Powerful by Faith” Regional Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Comments in my first response can be viewed in the article “Does Not the Ear Test Out Words?“ After misapplying the statement in Job to get his […]
Does Not the Ear Test Out Words?

In the final talk of the Saturday afternoon session of the 2021 “Powerful By Faith” Regional Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses, David Splane makes a desperate attempt at convincing his audience that only loyal witnesses can be trusted. According to him, if you disagree with the governing body in any way you are lying. If you […]

For decades the Watchtower society has dogmatically answered this question yes. In fact, witnesses are taught to view their preaching work as a life-saving ministry. In fact, according to governing body member Anthony Morris, if witnesses fail to engage in the ministry according to Watchtower standards they are said to be in danger of being […]

Forbidding to Marry “However, the inspired word clearly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired statements and teachings of demons, 2 by means of the hypocrisy of men who speak lies, whose conscience is seared as with a branding iron. 3 They forbid marriage… (1 Timothy 4:1-3) […]

Insistence On Being the Final Authority on Everything According to the Watchtower society, Jesus returned invisibly in heaven in 1914 and at that time was given all authority on earth and in heaven. (Matt. 28:18) Shortly thereafter in the year 1919 he made an inspection of all Christians and was pleased with a small group […]