Distrust of Material Not Provided by the Organization
The Watchtower society often admonishes its members to encourage persons they meet in their witnessing work that belong to another religion to compare what their church teaches to what the Bible says. They even offer specific literature to help guide them in the process and help them to arrive at the “truth”. The following are a couple of examples taken from publications that have been used in conducting Bible studies with newly interested ones:
Why It Is Wise to Examine Your Religion
5 We need to examine, not only what we personally believe, but also what is taught by any religious organization with which we may be associated. Are its teachings in full harmony with God’s Word, or are they based on the traditions of men? If we are lovers of the truth, there is nothing to fear from such an examination. It should be the sincere desire of every one of us to learn what God’s will is for us, and then to do it.—John 8:32. (The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life pg 13 par. 5)
“How should you feel if proof is given that what you believe is wrong? For example, say that you were in a car, traveling for the first time to a certain place. You have a road map, but you have not taken time to check it carefully. Someone has told you the road to take. You trust him, sincerely believing that the way he has directed you is correct. But suppose it is not. What if someone points out the error? What if he, by referring to your own map, shows that you are on the wrong road? Would pride or stubbornness prevent you from admitting that you are on the wrong road? Well, then, if you learn from an examination of your Bible that you are traveling a wrong religious road, be willing to change. (You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth pgs. 32-33 par. 20)
However, once a Bible student becomes a baptized witness such an examination of Watchtower teachings is discouraged unless it is confined to literature provided by the society:
“But in Jehovah’s organization it is not necessary to spend a lot of time and energy in research, for there are brothers in the organization who are assigned to do that very thing, to help you who do not have so much time for this, these preparing the good material in The Watchtower and other publications of the Society. (The Watchtower June 1, 1967 pg. 338 par. 12)
“Interestingly, a circuit overseer in France observes: “Some brothers are deceived because they lack accurate knowledge.” That is why Proverbs 11:9 states: “By knowledge are the righteous rescued.” This does not mean giving apostates a hearing ear or delving into their writings. Rather, it means coming to “an accurate knowledge of the sacred secret of God” through diligent personal study of the Bible and the Society’s Bible-based publications. Having this accurate knowledge, who would become so curious as to pay any attention to apostate mouthings? May no man “delude you with persuasive arguments”! (Colossians 2:2-4) False religious propaganda from any source should be avoided like poison! Really, since our Lord has used “the faithful and discreet slave” to convey to us “sayings of everlasting life,” why should we ever want to look anywhere else?—John 6:68. (The Watchtower November 1, 1987 pg. 20 par. 16)
“Throughout the earth, Jehovah’s people are receiving ample spiritual instruction and encouragement at congregation meetings, assemblies, and conventions, as well as through the publications of Jehovah’s organization. Under the guidance of his holy spirit and on the basis of his Word of truth, Jehovah provides what is needed so that all of God’s people may be “fitly united in the same mind and in the same line of thought” and remain “stabilized in the faith.” (1 Cor. 1:10; Col. 2:6, 7) Surely we are grateful for Jehovah’s spiritual provisions in these last days. Thus, “the faithful and discreet slave” does not endorse any literature, meetings, or Web sites that are not produced or organized under its oversight.—Matt. 24:45-47. (Our Kingdom Ministry September 2007 pg. 3)
Such outside material is even classified as teachings of demons and it is impossible for former members that have become critical of the organization or any of its teachings to have any good motive for doing so:
“There is a saying that a person is what he eats. Anyone, then, who wants to keep in good physical and mental health has to watch his diet. Just as high-fat junk food, though tastily prepared with chemical additives, does not contribute to our continued physical health, so the propaganda of this world laced with demonic ideas is bad figurative junk food that will corrupt our minds. (The Watchtower July 1, 1994 pg. 9 par. 4)
“Beware of the Poisonous Food on the Table of Demons
10 Food on the table of demons is poisonous. Consider, for example, the food dispensed by the evil slave class and the apostates. It does not nourish or build up; it is not wholesome. It cannot be, for the apostates have stopped feeding at Jehovah’s table. As a result, whatever they had developed of the new personality is gone. What motivates them is, not holy spirit, but vitriolic bitterness. They are obsessed with only one aim—beating their former fellow slaves, as Jesus foretold.—Matthew 24:48, 49.
12 Yes, apostates publish literature that resorts to distortions, half-truths, and outright falsehood. They even picket Witness conventions, trying to trap the unwary. Hence, it would be a dangerous thing to allow our curiosity to move us to feed on such writings or to listen to their abusive speech! While we might not think it a risk for us personally, the hazard remains. Why? For one thing, some of the apostate literature presents falsehoods by means of “smooth talk” and “counterfeit words.” (Romans 16:17, 18; 2 Peter 2:3) What would you expect from the table of demons? And while the apostates may also present certain facts, these are usually taken out of context with the goal of drawing others away from the table of Jehovah. All their writings simply criticize and tear down! Nothing is upbuilding.
13 Jesus said: “By their fruits you will recognize them.” (Matthew 7:16) What, now, are the fruits of the apostates and their publications? Four things mark their propaganda. (1) Cleverness. Ephesians 4:14 says that they are “cunning in contriving error.” (2) Prideful intelligence. (3) Lack of love. (4) Dishonesty in various forms. These are the very ingredients of the food that is on the table of demons, all of which is designed to undermine the faith of Jehovah’s people.
14 And there is another aspect. To what have the apostates returned? In many cases, they have reentered the darkness of Christendom and its doctrines, such as the belief that all Christians go to heaven. Moreover, most no longer take a firm Scriptural stand regarding blood, neutrality, and the need to witness about God’s Kingdom. We, though, have escaped the darkness of Babylon the Great, and we never want to return to it. (Revelation 18:2, 4) As loyal servants of Jehovah, why would we even want to peek at the propaganda put out by these rejecters of Jehovah’s table who now verbally beat those who are helping us take in “healthful words”?—2 Timothy 1:13.
15 Some may be inquisitive about accusations that the apostates make. But we should take to heart the principle at Deuteronomy 12:30, 31. Here Jehovah through Moses warned the Israelites about what to avoid once they dispossessed the pagan inhabitants of the Promised Land. “Watch out for yourself for fear you may be entrapped after them, after they have been annihilated from before you, and for fear you may inquire respecting their gods, saying, ‘How was it these nations used to serve their gods? And I, yes, I, will do the same way.’ You must not do that way to Jehovah your God.” Yes, Jehovah God knows how human curiosity works. Remember Eve, and also Lot’s wife! (Luke 17:32; 1 Timothy 2:14) Let us never give ear to what the apostates are saying or doing. Rather, let us be busy building people up and loyally feeding at the table of Jehovah! (The Watchtower July 1, 1994 pgs. 11-13)
In an experience presented during the July 2018 episode of JW Broadcasting it was shown what type of personal study was encouraged by the organization:
Obviously, studying in such a way in order to prove whether or not Jehovah’s Witnesses is the true religion, using only witness publications, can only be described as circular research.
Witnesses are strongly cautioned against using the internet:

The 1996 Watchtower article criticized the Catholic Church for using the Bible as a basis for its distrust of secular writings:
Like Judaism, Catholicism distrusted secular writing and deemed much of it a threat. This view soon went far beyond the Bible’s sensible caution on the matter. (Ecclesiastes 12:12; Colossians 2:8) (The Watchtower September 1, 1996 pg. 18 par. 18)
"To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion [to them] is wearisome to the flesh." (Eccl. 12:12)
Yet three years later the organization boldly published its own extreme application of Solomon’s words:
“Why, though, did Solomon say what he did about books? Well, compared with Jehovah’s Word, the endless volumes of this world contain mere human reasoning. Much of this thinking reflects the mind of Satan the Devil. (2 Corinthians 4:4) Therefore, “much devotion” to such secular material produces little of lasting value. In fact, a great deal of it can be spiritually detrimental. Like Solomon, let us meditate on what God’s Word says about life. This will strengthen our faith and draw us closer to Jehovah. Excessive attention to other books or sources of instruction can wear us out. Especially when such writings are the product of worldly reasoning that conflicts with godly wisdom are they unwholesome and destructive of faith in God and his purposes. So, then, let us remember that the most beneficial writings of Solomon’s day and our own are those that reflect the wisdom of the “one shepherd,” Jehovah God. He has provided the 66 books of the Holy Scriptures, and to these we should give paramount attention. The Bible and helpful publications of the ‘faithful slave’ enable us to acquire “the very knowledge of God.”—Proverbs 2:1-6. (The Watchtower November 15, 1999 pg. 22 par. 14)
Notice it is only the Bible and the helpful publications of the ‘faithful slave’ that are approved reading material. All else is considered to be mere human reasoning. Thinking that reflects the mind of Satan the Devil.
The negative attitude the organization fosters against outside reading material spills over into discouraging its members from obtaining secular education beyond high school:
What is most disturbing about this video is Paul’s admonition in Romans chapter 14 about not judging others for their personal decisions is used as a scare tactic because we will all stand before the judgment seat of God. As if God is a harsher judge than humans. Hence, Anthony Morris urges witnesses to play it safe and take his direction and stay away from higher education. Rather pursue what he considers divine education. Training provided by the organization for a career that ultimately benefits the organization.
The Watchtower society also declares that a trait that identifies the Catholic Church as being modern day Judaizers is its insistence on being the final authority on everything. How does the organization stand in this regard? This will be discussed in the next article.